Regardless of whether your baby is breastfeeding or takes his/her nourishment from the bottle, a premium infant probiotic can help colonise little intestines with beneficial bacteria from the get-go, as well as offer digestive comfort, regularity, and immunity.
Smidge® Infant Probiotic consists of 50% Bifidobacterium infantis, which dominates in breastfed babies' intestines. This is also beneficial for nursing mom to baby, because the amount of healthy bacteria baby receives is dependent on mom's diet and microbiome. And let's face it, new moms do all the things, so sometimes getting all four food groups in can be a feat, and therefore we need probiotic supplementation (Plus, balanced gut bacteria make it possible for babies to digest breast milk effectively, and to gain the milk's full nutritional benefits.)
See, newborns are exposed to their mother's bacteria when making their way down the birth canal. This kicks off the production of good and sometimes pathogenic bacteria in the baby's GI tract.
All of this means the right blend of beneficial bacteria — in the form of probiotic-rich foods and the clean supplements — is the life force inside you and your little one. And gut flora is responsible for how your kiddies respond to most everything, from their pitter-patter of little feet to their grown-up steps, on their health journeys.
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